God & me

God & Me Journal Infomercial

The God & Me Connection Journal is one based on my own personal method of journaling which was developed over several years.

This journal is about relationship. It is about give and take. It is about prayer and the word–listening and speaking–observing, writing, thanking listening, asking, and meditating.

A few years ago, we stopped using the phrases “devotion time” or “quiet time.” We felt those phrases denote something other than what we feel this sacred relationship is all about. Instead, we prefer to call our daily communication God-Connection: that time in the morning, throughout the day, and at night when we have conversation with Him . . . we commune with Him in a close relationship . . . we connect with Him.

This journal is designed to give you a structure to reflect that.

Join others from the pages of history to whom God has given the directive: “Write.” In years to come, when our children wonder how the memorials of our lives were formed, may they find our collection of journals and realize our strength came from our relationship with Him.

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